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Amarettini is the small version of the larger Amaretti cookies. These traditional Italian cookies are crunchy and have the sweet taste of almonds. As they are baked at low temperature, the outside is crispy and the inside fluffy. You can imagine yourself in Italy for a while!

The cookies are made by Tuscan bakers. They have been working for 3 generations to perfect each cookie, while maintaining the recipe secret from the first cookie. They take special care in choosing the best raw materials, best baking techniques and the most refined flavours!

Amarettini cookies are delicious to dip in espresso or in the typical Tuscan dessert wine, Vin santo. They are also perfect as a base for a dessert. For example, fill a glass with a mixture of mascarpone, whipped cream and Amarettini piled around and around. Season the mascarpone mixture with our Amaretto vinegar. And you really end your dinner well!

  • sugar, apricot kernels (20%) (EU and non-EU), protein, milk proteins, raising agent: sodium hydrogen carbonate and ammonium hydrogen carbonate, flavouring.

Amarettini 200g