Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

Nice to know

Liégeoise salad is one of the classics of the Wallonian cuisine. The basis for this Liège salad is potatoes, bacon and vinegar and is supplemented with different vegetables. The classic version is made with green beans. The salad can be enjoyed both warm of cold. Deliciously Belgian!


  • Groceries

    • 1 1/2 lb small potatoes • 1 lb green beans • 1 red onion • 4 eggs • 1/2 lb bacon • 8 ozl stock • 2 tbsp Chardonnay Wine Vinegar • 1 tbsp Honey Mustard • potato starch • (pink) pepper • Olive Oil for Baking • chive

  • Getting started

    Wash the potatoes, shell beans and cut the onion into half rings. Boil the potatoes in about 12 minutes and the beans, about 7 minutes, with a pinch of salt until tender. Boil the eggs for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, fry the bacon until crisp and add the onion. Mix the potatoes and beans with the bacon and onion mixture in a large bowl.

    Step 2

    Add a dash of Olive Oil for Baking to the still hot pan, deglaze with Chardonnay Wine Vinegar , and then add the mustard and broth. Boil the dressing to reduce a little and then thicken with potato starch*. Mix 1 tbsp potato starch with a little water and add to the boiling sauce.

    Step 3

    Mix the vegetables with the sauce and sprinkle to taste with crushed pink pepper mix. Garnish with boiled eggs and chives. Serve preferably lukewarm.

    * This provides a clear bond. Cornstarch is also possible, but this makes the sauce matt.

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