Recipes from Oil & Vinegar
Nice to know
To make a dish of assorted snacks more exciting and interesting, it’s good to have a variety of textures and flavors. And naturally, something for the eye too!
By textures, we mean that each mouthful is different: cold, warm, soft, hard, creamy, crunchy. This sense of touch influences the entire taste experience.
The five basic tastes are salt, sweet, sour, bitter and umami, a savory taste. Here the role of the nose is very important for people’s taste perception. The air that enters through the mouth brings with it so-called ‘secondary’ tastes such as menthol, cinnamon and certain fruits.
A treat for all the senses!
• 500 g new potatoes • Fish Wish Grinder • 16 pieces of fish (e.g. large prawns, coquilles and pieces of strong white fish) • 16 mushroom pieces (e.g. oyster mushroom and small mushrooms) • 1 l 1 L Olive Oil for Baking, for in the deep fat fryer • Sauce Tartare • lemon
Beer batter
• 200 g Pasta Flour, plus extra for sprinkling) • 200 ml beer (alternative: sparkling mineral water) • 1 tbsp Fish Wish grinder • 1 tsp baking powder
Seasoned breadcrumbs
• 1 egg, beaten • 50 g breadcrumbs mixed with Fish Wish grinder
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