Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

The best way is to make this pasta salad with buffalo mozzarella. The latter is made with milk from black water buffalo that are raised to the north of Naples. Buffalo mozzarella is whiter and has a more delicate structure and flavor than ordinary mozzarella.

  • Ingredients

    • Bonsecco Olive Oil
    • 1 aubergine
    • 1 courgette
    • 400 g Farfalle Multisapore with spoon
    • 12 tbsps. Pesto Vinaigrette
    • 8 Olive alla Boscaiola (Marinated Green Olives with Mushrooms)
    • 60 g pecorino cheese
    • 125 g buffalo mozzarella
    • Pepper
    • Salt

    Also required:

    • Pure Food Inside Glass Jar
  • Preparation

    Thinly slice the aubergine and courgette, coat with some olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Griddle the aubergine and courgette slices on either side until grill marks develop. Cook the farfalle as indicated on the pack. Drain the pasta, then rinse under the cold tap until cool. Thoroughly drain, then mix in the pesto vinaigrette. Cut the olives into rings and mix with the pasta. Coarsely grate the pecorino. Then layer the salad in the jar. Alternate pasta with layers of aubergine, courgette or buffalo mozzarella. Sprinkle the pecorino on top of the final layer of pasta.

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