Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

Spring has arrived and it's the perfect time to chat with friends and family while enjoying a delicious brunch / lunch or dinner. Which recipes do you treat your loved ones to on Easter?

  • 20 slices of thinly sliced ​​roast beef
    2 portobello's
    250 g different types of tomatoes
    100 g rocket
    50 g parmesan cheese
    4 tbsp olive oil (our tip: Puglia Olive Oil )
    4 tbsp Carpaccio truffle sauce
    pepper and salt

  • Cut the portabello mushrooms into small slices and sautee them until golden-brown in a pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Season the portabellos to taste with a pinch of salt and pepper. Next, slice the large tomatoes and half the small tomatoes.

    Transfer the roast beef to four plates and top with the sliced ​​tomatoes. Top the roast beef with the portabello mushrooms and season with the Carpaccio Truffle Sauce.

    Garnish the dish with rocket, Parmigiano cheese and a few drops of olive oil.

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