Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

  • Ingredients

    • 500 g fresh tagliatelle (recipe on the back)
    • 200 g Sugo ai Pomodorini
    • 4 tsps. Fine Fish Rub
    • 170 g crab meat
    • 100 g shrimp
    • 1/2 bunch of parsley
    • 1/2 lemon
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 4 Tbsps. Bake & Fry Olive Oil in tin 1L
  • Preparation

    Mince the garlic, then gently fry in olive oil. Add the crab meat and shrimp together with 200 g sugo ai pomodorini. Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the fresh tagliatelle until done (approx. 3 minutes). Spoon the tagliatelle into the pan of sauce together with a little of the cooking water, bring to the boil, stirring well. Grate the lemon zest onto the pasta, chop the parsley then add it. Stir well, then season with lemon juice and the fine fish rub. Serve the pasta in a bowl or on a plate.

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