Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

Nice to know

This pasta from Liguria literally means ‘food’. This traditional hand-rolled pasta is usually eaten with Pesto alla Genovese.

Serve this traditional dish with an equally traditional Caprese salad. Did you know that this salad, just like pizza margherita, is made in the colours of the Italian flag?

Buon Appetito!

  • Ingredients

    • 1 jar Pesto alla Genovese300 g Trofie • 200 g green beans (haricot vert), cleaned • 1 floury potato, peeled • 2 tbsp Basil Olive oil • pepper • salt • pine nuts • basil


    • 125 g Mozzarella • 250 g cherry tomatoes • ½ jar Pomodoro della MammaEV Ligurito Olive oil

  • Getting started

    Cut the potato into chunks and cook these together with the Trofie in plenty of water for about 14 minutes until cooked. Add the green beans for the last 5 minutes.

    Step 2

    Drain and mix in the Basil Olive oil and the Pesto alla Genovese . Add roasted pine nuts and fresh basil according to taste.

    Step 3

    Serve with a salad of buffalo mozzarella, halved cherry tomatoes and Pomodoro della Mamma , sprinkled with EV Ligurito Olive oil.

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