Recipes from Oil & Vinegar

Nice to know

Vitello Tonnato is a classic dish from the Piemontese kitchen in Italy. It's a dish of cold, sliced veal covered in a creamy mayonnaise like sauce seasoned with tuna. It is served chilled or at room temperature as an elegant appetizer for a nice dinner or as the main course in an Italian dinner. Also very popular in Argentina, where it's known as Vitel Toon and seen as a classic Christmas dish. Buon appetito!

  • Groceries

    • 240 g roast veal, thinly sliced • 8 - 10 tbsp. Salsa Vitello Tonnato (sauce for Vitello Tonnato) • 4 tsp. Capperi Salati (capers in salt) • 1 tbsp. Lemon Olive Oil • lemon

  • Getting started

    Divide the slices of veal roast onto four plates. Add the Salsa Vitello Tonnato in fine lines, for example by using a piping bag. Drizzle with Lemon Olive Oil.

    Step 2

    Rinse the Capperi Salati with water and spread it over the Vitello Tonnato. Serve with lemon wedges.


    This dish can be served immediately, but can also be left for a while, so the flavors can permeate it well. Keep it cool and let the dish reach room temperature for at least fifteen minutes before serving.

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